Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Articles on Depression

These articles are related to various aspects of depression.

Read each of the articles linked below -write a thorough summary of each article.  Each summary should include the following:

  • A link to the actual article
  • Identify who conducted the study and when
  • Explain the procedure of the study
  • Identify the study's participants
  • Describe the findings of the study
Include one related picture for each summary.  Do not copy/paste -  summaries should be written in your own words.

Summaries are due by midnight, October 31st. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Basics of Schizophrenia

Use internet research to answer each of the following questions in your blog - DO NOT COPY/PASTE - be sure to restate answers in your own words and site all resources used.  Due by midnight on Wednesday, October 20th.

1. Explain the general symptoms of paranoid-type schizophrenia.

2. Explain the general symptoms of disorganized-type schizophrenia.

3. Explain the general symptoms of catatonic-type schizophrenia.

4. Identify three positive symptoms of schizophrenia.

5. Identify three negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

6. What is the difference between an halucination and a delusion?

7. Identify three cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.

8. Describe the symptom of avolition.

9. Describe the symptom of catatonia.

10. Define and give an example of a delusion og grandeur.

11.Define and give an example of a delusion of reference.

12. Define and give an example of a somatic delusion.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mental Illness

The first mental illness we will be analyzing is schizophrenia - a very scary and misunderstood condition.  We will examine possible causes, symptoms, effects and treatments of the disease while watching several videos which help us to understand what the illness does to not only the person who has it but those around him/her, as well.

Video #1:  Childhood Schizophrenia

Video #2: Simulation of Schizophrenia - what is it like?